Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Creative Cultures Scotland - free on-line directory for artists, makers and galleries

Philip Thompson from  the NEOS committee also works for the charity - Creative Cultures Scotland, which have recently upgraded their website / on-line directory to enable practitioners to join for free, giving them access and control over their own directory entry. Several simple "web technologies" have been implemented so practitioners can set up their profile, linking to other content providers on the web (flickr, youTube, twitter, soundCloud and RSS feeds) - ensuring that your profile page will be populated by up to date content, with no extra work for you! to create an account - please visit 

If this all sounds a little daunting or scary - Philip will be running some drop in sessions for you to get accustomed  with using the web and these excellent 3rd party facilities - so you can maximise your on-line presence.

If you are interested in these session, please send Philip an email -

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