Sunday 19 April 2009

NEOS Proofing period closes

The 8 day period to proof read all NEOS entries has passed.
All NEOS entries are now locked and closed for changes by participants.

NEOS are now chasing up the final few entries that are incomplete.

Once the final participant list has been approved - all 2009 entries will be live and searchable on the NEOS website – NEOS will send out an email when this has happened.

Thank you to everyone who has joined this year it looks like we have record numbers again this year! Thank You!


  1. Gabi & Phil,
    Thanks for all the tremendous work in getting everything together for this years NEOS. You have been encouraging and helpful even through our changes and indecisions (Ian), and Phils fab tartan for the year of Homecoming is inspired (Roseanne). Here's looking towards a fantastic event in September.
    Ian & Roseanne Shewan, Stonehaven.

  2. Gabi & Phil
    you work so hard - and always cheery and helpful - even when we're being a nuisance!!!

    Many thanks
