Saturday, 21 February 2009

Friends Scheme

Just a reminder for everyone to be aware of the Friends of NEOS scheme.
To join the friends of NEOS, send a cheque for £12 to 107 Selbie Drive, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, AB51 3YB (made payable to North East Opens Studios).
Benefits include invites to private functions and showcases, first to get the catalogue and more...
Do you know anyone that would like to be a firend of NEOS? please let them know about this opportunity!

NEOS'09 Applications now online!

The online application form is now open so please visit and first, create an account (email and password) - you can then log in using these details to create your NEOS'09 entry & contact details.

We have changed how the entry form works this year - there are two simple pages to collate your details - the Directory listing (your venue) & the information NEOS needs to contact you (private - non visible information).

The NEOS'09 entry fee is £97 (£107 for paper application (send an SAE to the address below)) - NEOS are also running a "youth scheme" - if you are aged 24 or younger (born before 22nd September 1987), the entry fee for NEOS'09 is £50

The deadline this year for entries is Friday the 10th of April. This deadline is absolute.

This year, we are printing 25,000 directories, which will be distributed Scotland wide.

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting “Networking Event”

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting “Networking Event”

At the Gordon Highlanders, Saturday the 28th of February, 10.00 for 10.30 am.

The agenda will include a presentation by Niall Paton, who will speak about the open studio principles and some ideas to assist with marketing and promotion of your individual events. Pam Hamilton and Kate McKenzie will be giving an account of their NEOS2008 experiences and a general Q&A with the NEOS committee.
There will also be an opportunity to network with other NEOS participants over coffee/tea and scones.

For directions check out

Following the event information from the presentation will be available on the NEOS website.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Scottish Sculpture Workshop: New Post of Development Manager

SSW logo
Salary: £25k pro rata (4 days per week)

Job Purpose
This is a new post that will be instrumental in taking SSW into an exciting new phase. By strengthening the links developed over the past 3 years and developing key new partnerships, you will build the value of the organisation to artists and audiences across the north east, through the ambitious new capital development project, and beyond.

Working closely with the Director, you will devise and implement a range of programmes and projects to increase use of the on-site facilities and the number of outreach opportunities for artists. By effectively marketing and promoting the organisation and its activity, you will help generate new audiences and income streams to support projects and the current programme of Capital development.

Responsibilities include overseeing, with the technical team, the day to day running of the site, ensuring that SSW is an effective and welcoming host to visiting artists, school and community groups and event attendees. Consolidating our artist-led approach to audience development and participation, you will be key to our plans to create a higher profile for SSW during the proposed re-development, and beyond the re-launch in summer 2010.

For an application pack, please click HERE

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Morning Glass STAINED GLASS SPRING WEEKEND WORKSHOP - April 4th - 5th, 2009

This weekend workshop is designed to cater for anybody interested in learning traditional stained glass techniques. The small class size, friendly teaching environment and timescale will allow a complete beginner to produce a small, simple panel over the two days, and to leave the course with enough experience to carry on stained glass as a hobby. For the more experienced participants, the two days should see the completion of long-standing projects and plenty time to devise and begin new projects, or learn new techniques.

The two day workshops cost £120 (which includes all materials, tea and coffee and lunch), and a 50% deposit (£60) will be requested on receipt of your booking. Numbers will be limited to 6 participants per course.

for more details, please click this link :

Friday, 6 February 2009

Platform 22 Sale!


Ceramics by Emma Pattullo
Jewellery & felted bags by the Shire Dweller
Textiles by Annabel Pattullo

Do pop along and see what goodies you can treat yourself to.
Fine Art, fine coffee and homemade cakes ~ what could be better?
Looking forward to seeing you!

Platform 22, Station Road, Torphins, Aberdeenshire, AB31 4JF

01339 882039

Gallery & Coffee House opening times
Tuesday to Saturday 10am - 5pm

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Salix Gallery call for artists

Salix Pottery and Gallery are looking for original paintings, prints, jewellery and sculpture. If you are interested in exhibiting with us could you please send images of your work with details including prices as soon as possible.

If you are interested, please contact Wenna Crockatt at the Salix Gallery :

Nairn’s Fine Art Competition

This is the first year of Nairn’s Fine Art Competition; open to all artists in Scotland.

Entry fee of £5 is required for each work.
PRIZES1st Prize: £1,500

Student Prize: £500 & Gallery Space for 2010

Chairman’s Choice: £500(any medium)

Homecoming 2009: £500To reflect one of the themes of Homecoming 2009 as shown on:

Prizes will be awarded at Reception for Private Opening on Wednesday 3rd June 2009 at The Court House, Nairn at 6pm
click this link for more info (

Monday, 2 February 2009

Philip Thompson showing at Junction Art and Gifts

Philip Thompson (NEOS designer) will be showing new work at Junction Art (Holburn St, Aberdeen) along with Heather Maslen, Gwen Black, Ann Craig, Julie Wyness, Lorraine Taylor, Rosemary Taylor, Nicola Niven, and Maria Nordgren.

The Preview Evening for the Junction spring show will be held on Friday the 6th of February From 6 - 8p.m. Visit for a sneak preview of the beautiful new work on show and of course to receive your complimentary glass of wine and nibbles!

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Equipment hire from Aberdeenshire council

We thought we'd post the link to Aberdeenshire Council's equipment hire facility called : Artstore Leisurelend ( )
There you will find a list of equipment for hire (hanging systems, projectors etc). Perhaps the equipment on offer can help you realise a goal / project for NEOS that you wouldn't have otherwise been able to... enjoy!