Sunday, 14 August 2011

Make a Splash Training and Information Event

Aberdeenshire Arts Team would like to invite you to join us for a Training and Information event on Saturday 27th August, from 1pm to 4pm at Duff House, Banff.

The Make a Splash! information and training session is a two-hour workshop that will look at barriers to arts participation in Aberdeenshire and how to pull them down. We will also explore ways to spread the word about your activities and help grow your group. Run in partnership with Voluntary Arts Scotland, the Make a Splash! Programme is backed by a small grants fund
with awards from £250 - £2,000. Find out how you could encourage long-term participation in the arts by trying something new and be eligible to apply for a grant at the same time.

We anticipate approximately 30 people attending this event so places are limited to two members from each arts or community group.

If you'd like to chat to us about the programme, call the Voluntary Arts Scotland office on tel: 0131 225 7355 or email:

NEOS 2011: 10th - 18th September
Visit for more information

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