SSW opens the doors for NEOS
The Lost Hand
September 10 to 18, 2011
As part of NEOS (North East Open Studios), Scottish Sculpture Workshop are running a series of events around the theme of arts and heritage craft skills. Over the eight days members of the public are welcome to come and view our unique facilities, take part in discussions, tours, and workshops; enjoy a cup of tea in our drop in cafe, as well as view our invited participants at work around the SSW site.
Invited artists, tradesmen and craftsmen from throughout Aberdeenshire, with skills that are considered exceptional, will be showcasing their craft on site at SSW. With a focus on skills that are inherently local, SSW is looking to open up a discussion about the relevance of these skills to the identity of Aberdeenshire and wider Scottish culture, while also looking into the future of craftsmanship.
From kilt making to stone work, from wheel writing to sign writing, what is the future for these skills and processes? How can they be preserved? How are they utilised and can they be utilised in the creation of art works? SSW are looking to find the common ground shared by all these craftsmen, and artists, through networking, discussion and a shared workspace of tools and processes.
Programme of EventsSeptember 10 to 18, 2011
Saturday 10thArt Cafe – 5 to 7pm
"The Lost Hand: Questions around skill."
In the informal environment of a pop-up cafe, a discussion around the status quo of skill will bring together artists, crafts and trades people, as well as the general public.
Sunday 11thDemonstrations and tours – 12 to 6pm
“The Lost Hand: Skills in residency”
A kiltmaker, a stone carver, a wheelwright, a traditional painter and decorator, a ceramicist, an upholsterer and many more will be working at SSW, giving an insight into current practices and skills in the region.
Monday 12thWorkshop – 1 to 4pm
''Printing Matters''
Lumsden primary school 4 to 7's will be exploring printing the old fashioned way.
Tuesday 13thArt Cafe – 2 to 5pm
"Skilling Up: Creativity in new contexts"
In the informal environment of a pop-up cafe, a discussion around the status quo of skill will bring together artists, crafts and trades people, as well as the general public.
Wednesday 14thArt Cafe – 2 to 5pm
"Space to speak"
In the informal environment of a pop-up cafe, a discussion around the status quo of skill will bring together artists, crafts and trades people, as well as the general public.
Thursday 15thClosed to the public
Friday 16thReading Group SSW / Gradcam – 3.30 to 6.30pm
"The Skills as a kind of Commons" (Closed event)
Cheesecake Making Workshop – 6.30 to 7.30pm
(Please book with the SSW Office on 01464 861372, as there are limited places).
Saturday 17thForum/Discussion – 2 to 5pm
"A culture for the survival of skills, skills for the survival of a culture."
Chaired by David Watson Hood
Dr. Jo Vergunst (Anthropology Department - University of Aberdeen)
Andrea Peach (Grays School of Art)
An open discussion about the status quo of heritage craft skill, in social and economic terms (focusing on the Grampian region). Also looking at how these skills relate to and are used in contemporary art practice.
FREE (limited places)
Sunday 18th Demonstrations and tours – 12 to 6pm
"The Lost Hand: Skills in residency"
A kiltmaker, a stone carver, a wheelwright, a traditional painter and decorator, a ceramicist, an upholsterer and many more will be working at SSW, giving an insight into current practices and skills in the region.
Communities Potluck Dinner – 5 to 7pm
Join us for a celebratory potluck. Participants must bring a dish, please contact Merlyn Riggs at to book a place as there are limited places.
Skills in Residence: Ally Sim, Graham Sim, Pam Blackhall, Wayne Gosset, Keith Mellard, Eden Jolly, Nancy Fuller, Sally McLardy, Jennifer Jane, Ally Devine, Gavin Smith, Ian McDonald.
Art Cafe: Merlyn Riggs
Printing Matters Workshop: Ross Hamilton Frew
Forum/Discussion chair: David Watson Hood